You are here: Manage Listings > Revise Listings > Add a property picture > Delete a property picture

Delete a property picture

To delete a picture that is attached to a listing

  1. From the Listings menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of your active listings automatically display. You can use the Filters area at the top of the page to view a different status, if necessary.
  2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon .
  3. Under the Pictures heading, click Upload/Manage Pictures.
  4. Click the Delete Pictures button located in the top right of the window to select pictures for deletion.
  5. You will be presented with an option to Select All Pictures or you may click on individual picture thumbnails which will be flagged with a red “X” once selected.
  6. Click the Delete Selected button. NOTE: A warning message will give you the opportunity to cancel the deletion or click OK to continue.
  7. Click the Save & Exit button. WARNING: Deleted pictures and other changes will not be saved to the listing until you click the Save & Exit button.

TIP: If your changes do not display correctly, then you may need to clear your cache.

TIP: View the video tutorial entitled "Upload and Manage Pictures" on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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